Thursday 31 March 2011


This guys a right bastard to model.

Heres a few screens of the work in progress:

Ive also got to model my face for the project.

After trying this for hours, i now hate my face.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Photoshop shizz

Another project; I'm designing a DVD cover for one of my visual design modules.  Im going for an apocalyptic film design by merging different layers together ( photo of person, other objects, background, ruined buildings etc).

This isn't a design for it but i thought it looked nice :)

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Pugio Dagger


The pugio was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. It seems likely that the pugio was intended as an auxiliary weapon, but its exact purpose to the soldier remains unknown for sure. 

Attempts to identify it as a utility knife are misguided as the form of the pugio is not suited to this purpose and in any case utility knives of a variety of sizes are common finds on Roman military sites, meaning there would be no need for a pugio to be used in this way.

Officials of the empire took to wearing ornate daggers in the performance of their offices, and some would wear concealed daggers as a defense against contingencies. The dagger was a common weapon of assassination and suicide; for example, the conspirators who stabbed Julius Caesar used pugiones.

(Taken from wikipedia)

Saturday 12 February 2011

Roman Armoury

For the next 3d assignment ive gotta make a biped character, so ive decided to big and do a Roman Legionary as the character model.

As well as the standard stuff like armour and helmet etc, i thought id make a load of other objects to try and improve my 3d modeling skills.

I plan to make:
  • Gladius (sword)
  • Pilum (javelin tpye thing)
  • Pugio (dagger)
  • A standard (flag thingy)
  • Cloak/ Cape

Plus some other bits if i feel like it.

So far thisis what ive done:

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Grange Farm Filming

Did a short film for youtube at Grange Farm at the weekend, it was meant to be a scripted project but some of the crew couldn't make it in the end, but we think you'll all still enjoy what we did do!!!

We also took a few pictures, we're gonna be doing some more soon with a DSLR but in the mean time heres some others we took.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Canon XL1

 I'll be using this camera most probably in the near future, its the common camera at my uni and theyre pretty easy to get.

Although its not 'HD' like the HG20, this is a far more professional camera in terms of depth of field and audio capture etc, so... itll give a much more cinematic feel to anything I do with it!

Friday 14 January 2011

Camera History

Alot of people on youtube ask what camera i use for the films so ill show you them here in chronological order:

First camera i used actually belonged to my mum, this was quite a few years back and i didnt have the resources or money or even the experience to buy one for myself.  It did the job, at the time anyway.

Panasonic VDR-d150
Im not sure if this is the exact camera but it looks like it.  We bought this together as a group when we all decided that making our own films was pretty cool.  It was a downgrade from the Sony, but it was ours so we could do whatever we wanted to with it!

Canon HG-20
This is the bad boy i use now.  Ive still not figured it all out because theres a ridiculous amount of gadgets and options on it!  Recentlyy used it for KF: Law and Order and Hornets Nest, and you can tell straight away the quality has much improved from the previous cameras which only shot at around 480p, whereas this shoots in 1080.

Cheeky update

I didn't finish the comp entry!! So gutted, i was ill over most of Christmas and although i almost did finish, the illness got the better of me and i missed the deadline.

In other news however, ive just ordered a DM-50 microphone for my Canon, so that should make a world of difference to the youtube shorts and any other projects!!

Friday 24 December 2010

Trailer Entry

Ok so ive done the 'earth zoom' bit for the trailer - it looks pretty sick, now im just doing the earth and sun etc, heres a random image of it for your joy:

Awesome cake.