Saturday 30 October 2010

KF Law and Order Update

 The special effects are finished! Ive added some bits that weren't originally gonna be in the film but hopefully the extra time and effort will pay off.  All that needs to be done now is the sound, which im already half way through doing. Hopefully it'll be a Halloween night release so keep a look out.

Friday 29 October 2010

Sunday 24 October 2010

KF Update

All the sfx are done, but im having some trouble rendering one of the scenes in AE. I dont know whether its because my hard drives are now crammed with footage or if im just rendering too much, either way im gonna try rendering small sections at a time - hopefully it won't be noticable in the final version!!!

Ive also just ordered one of the huge Python Revolvers, its a good job i got in there quick as well cos theyre all out of stock already!!!  Expect this badass in a film very soon!

Saturday 16 October 2010

KF Law and Order Update

Almost finished!!! Just tweaking some parts of the final scene and adding some film grain to give it a more KF feel to it. Also changing one of the enemies with another to add a nice touch to a couple of scenes.

More to come soon!

Saturday 9 October 2010

KF Dead Silence - The Bloat

Heres a quick screenshot of the Bloat in the upcoming Dead Silence: Law and Order

Thursday 7 October 2010

KF Law and Order Update

Ok so around three quaters of the film is now edited, i just need to finish off the 'boss battle' which im sure everyone will blow their load after watching.  The sound will need doing after all the FX are done but hopefully this shouldn't take too long.

The final piece should be up on the Resistant Films youtube page by the weekend so long as I don't have any other life emergencies ;)

Wednesday 6 October 2010

DS Law and Order - Some screenshots

KF Dead Silence - Law and Order

Another short video will be finished soon featuring Constable Briar from the Killing Floor game.  The short will be part of a more detailed and intricate storyline along with several others, all leading to a main film featuring all of the characters from the shorts.