Friday 24 December 2010

Trailer Entry

Ok so ive done the 'earth zoom' bit for the trailer - it looks pretty sick, now im just doing the earth and sun etc, heres a random image of it for your joy:

Awesome cake.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Film Competition

Im entering a trailer for a competition here in the UK soon, just finishing off some final touches then ill upload it to the youtube page, id really appreciate it if you could vote for me once i have - ill update you all soon, promise!

Tuesday 21 December 2010

3D work

I recently finished an assignment to do with 3ds max, suffice to say it was fckin hard. 

So, now ive got a couple of weeks to fill im working through a couple of books which will hopefully improve my modelling and VFX skills tenfold... Hopefully.

Cold Blood : Action FX Short

Saturday 18 December 2010

Drug Deal

So I did a little short today about a messy drug deal, sounds standard i know but we shot it while it was snowing so it actually looks pretty sick.

Its got some nice gun fights, bit of gore and a briliant fight scene courtesy of Liam & Taylor who play the main characters. 

Ive put it all together and its rendering right now ready to have the effects put in, ill keep you posted!!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Holy Shit.

I think that settles it then...

New Guns?

Just realised the amazing idea of repainting Nerf guns, they look a bit sci-fi but thats a good thing being as i really wanna start doin more futuristic stuff.

Take a look at these beauties: