Saturday 26 February 2011

Photoshop shizz

Another project; I'm designing a DVD cover for one of my visual design modules.  Im going for an apocalyptic film design by merging different layers together ( photo of person, other objects, background, ruined buildings etc).

This isn't a design for it but i thought it looked nice :)

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Pugio Dagger


The pugio was a dagger used by Roman soldiers as a sidearm. It seems likely that the pugio was intended as an auxiliary weapon, but its exact purpose to the soldier remains unknown for sure. 

Attempts to identify it as a utility knife are misguided as the form of the pugio is not suited to this purpose and in any case utility knives of a variety of sizes are common finds on Roman military sites, meaning there would be no need for a pugio to be used in this way.

Officials of the empire took to wearing ornate daggers in the performance of their offices, and some would wear concealed daggers as a defense against contingencies. The dagger was a common weapon of assassination and suicide; for example, the conspirators who stabbed Julius Caesar used pugiones.

(Taken from wikipedia)

Saturday 12 February 2011

Roman Armoury

For the next 3d assignment ive gotta make a biped character, so ive decided to big and do a Roman Legionary as the character model.

As well as the standard stuff like armour and helmet etc, i thought id make a load of other objects to try and improve my 3d modeling skills.

I plan to make:
  • Gladius (sword)
  • Pilum (javelin tpye thing)
  • Pugio (dagger)
  • A standard (flag thingy)
  • Cloak/ Cape

Plus some other bits if i feel like it.

So far thisis what ive done:

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Grange Farm Filming

Did a short film for youtube at Grange Farm at the weekend, it was meant to be a scripted project but some of the crew couldn't make it in the end, but we think you'll all still enjoy what we did do!!!

We also took a few pictures, we're gonna be doing some more soon with a DSLR but in the mean time heres some others we took.